Term Fees

Per term
9am to 1pm
(Available to children 18 months to 2½)
3 days $2700
9am to 1pm
(Available to children 18 month to 2½)
4 days $3600
9am to 1pm
(18 months and over)
5 days $4500
9am to 3pm
(Strictly 3 years and over who have dropped their naps. It is not compulsory)
5 days $4500
(Refundable with one month’s notice of withdrawal given and served during term time. Failure to give notice within these parameters will result in loss of your deposit. There are no exceptions to this.)
Registration Fee  $50

Please make cheque payable to Joint Montessori Venture Pte Ltd
Funds transfer to DBS current account number 0659030211 branch code 065

All fees and registration fees are subject to 9% GST.
Deposits are not subject to GST. 

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